
Add release output information to README/documentation

Opened this issue · 1 comments

hms-networks/sc-ewon-flexy-extensions-lib#56, @it-hms:

Add directions to the readme for contributing a release. This includes the following steps:

  • do not name feature branch release/vX.Y.Z. This will will be done by automation.
  • ensure that CHANGELOG.MD has been updated
  • last commit subject should be RELEASE: vX.Y.Z
  • When PR is approved, delete feature branch(s). create tag from main branch.
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push vX.Y.Z 

Replicating issue hms-networks/sc-ewon-flexy-extensions-lib#56 from

This suggested change also applies to the development environment documentation provided in this repository. Projects based on this starter project are/should be linked to this repository for development environment documentation. This will clarify the process for generating a release.