
Bugs with results screen (Xbox)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
There is an issue with the results screen that I seem to be having. When the results screen comes up at the end of the song, the stars for the band score disappear along with a issue where the scrolling results stay on the screen when they should be hidden (an image is attached below to explain it better). Here is one of my videos also showing off the issue, so you can see the problem in video form too:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start the game
  2. Play any song on any instrument
  3. Get to the results screen
  4. The band stars issue occurs. Scrolling down also shows the scrolling text issue

Expected behavior
The results screen should display as normal, showing the band stars and scrolling text correctly. A screenshot is provided below.

Issue with results screen:
Screenshot 2024-08-05 16-57-45
What it should look like (using an old version):
Screenshot 2024-08-05 16-50-44

DX Settings

Game Information

  • Platform: Xbox 360
  • Version: 1.1.0-nightly-7236dac
  • Song Count: 2027

Additional context
From some testing I have done, whatever this bug is only seems to have started occurring sometime between the Beta 9 and 10 versions. Furthermore, the f6e675c nightly also has this bug, so that hopefully narrows it down more if needed. If any more info is needed about my setup/hardware, and if I need to bisect further to figure this out, I would be glad to provide that info and testing.

So I have done some tests to try to figure out why this bug occurs, and turns out, it was pretty simple. Using the no venue option was causing the bug, as using a venue like normal makes the results screen behave correctly. However, the weird thing is that it at the very least does not seem to happen on RPCS3, as I have seen lots of screenshots of scores on the Discord with the option enabled likely using the version where the bug occurs with no problems, so this at the very least only seems to effect Xbox 360 HW. However, I found a workaround that I will document below.

In order to figure out when this bug started exactly, I bisected old versions and determined that the 06528c0 commit was where the bug first started. I was even able to determine that the /_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta file was the culprit, as I complied the 06528c0 commit using the file from a75e187 (the last version without the bug), and it did not occur. I was even able to compile the most recent dev version (1bf7e79 at the time of writing this) using the a75e187 dta file and the bug did not occur. I tried to look at the differences and recode the new file to work, but I was unsuccessful. Hopefully this is enough info to at least get the ball rolling on a solution assuming it is the dta file that is the problem.

Last thing to mention is the possibility that it is something specific to my Xbox and not a DX problem. I tried looking for a single screenshot of a results screen without a venue, and was unable to find one, so I can't confirm if this happens outside of my Xbox or not. If someone has a 360 they can test this on, and the bug does indeed occur, then it is a DX issue and not just my Xbox. If not, well it is back to square one then. Apologies for the massive text wall, but I wanted to give as much info as I could, and I hope we can fix this issue one way or another!

A bit late to this from looking at the last time endgame.dta was changed, but it looks like this bug is now fixed! I'm going to go ahead and close the issue now! Here is a screenshot of the fix in action:


Oh hey. Sick!