Audio Trip Choreo Analysis Tools

Some very basic choreo analysis tools for Audio Trip choreography files.


npm install -g

Usage Examples:

Create a boatload of playlists.

# note: starting in the parent folder of atcd-choreos
cd atcd-playlists
ats-tool clonablePlaylists ../atcd-choreos

Gather and print some stats.

# note: starting in the parent folder of atcd-choreos
ats-tool stats ./atcd-choreos
ats-tool stats-extended ./atcd-choreos

Create a CSV with all the choreos in it.

# note: starting in the parent folder of atcd-choreos
ats-tool csv-songs ./atcd-choreos > atcd

Create a CSV with all the choreos in it, including tags.

# note: starting in the parent folder of atcd-choreos
set LASTFM_API_KEY=12ab...de89
ats-tool csv-songs --last-fm-tags ./atcd-choreos > atcd

You'll need a api key, get it at . This version of the command can take very long because I send slightly fewer than 1 request per second. Results are cached in a file in the current working directory, so if you're re-running this command make sure to run it from the same folder to avoid littering your drive with lots of files called .lastFmCache.json -- and if you do, don't say I didn't warn you. The cache also means the command will run quicker next time and the output won't include newer data unless you get rid of the cache first.