
Typescript Types for Audio Trip custom choreography files

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Typescript Types to describe Audio Trip custom choreography files

All information in here is either from https://bit.ly/3kkHEbW, taken from discussions in the Audio Trip Discord or gleaned from inspection of saved choreographies.

(Not published on npm, for now.)


Install the library into your project with npm or yarn

npm add https://github.com/hn3000/ats-types
yarn add https://github.com/hn3000/ats-types

Import the types into your .ts or .tsx file

import * as ATS from '@hn3000/ats-types';

And use the types to handle parsed Audio Trip Song files

function somethingSomething(song: ATS.AudioTripSong) {
  const id = song.metadata.songID;

I use this utility function to parse the .ats which mostly is valid JSON, with the exception of some cases where NaN is used instead of a valid number.

import { AudioTripSong } from '@hn3000/ats-types';

export const BPM_NAN_BPM = -667; // neighbor of the beast -- marker for later
export function fixNaN(json: string) {
  return json.replace(/NaN/, `${BPM_NAN_BPM}`);

export function parseSongFile(chars: string, fn: string): AudioTripSong {
  try {
    return JSON.parse(fixNaN(chars));
  } catch (x) {
    console.log(`could not parse song file ${fn}, got ${x}`);
