
User Section

Opened this issue · 7 comments

you are to work on the user profile, add bank account, get all users, search users

@sommy-josh @dvc-77 work on add bank account
@bukeme @CaptainVee work on user profile and get all users
@kengoon @DanAdewole we're working on search users

i said we should message on slack, no one is responding. Let's work on these tasks asap

We have already done some work @DanAdewole . Check the user views and know what is left before you start working

Just like @CaptainVee we have done something already.

@CaptainVee were you able to test it?

@sommy-josh what work have you done, and which branch did you push it to?
I think I have seen what @CaptainVee has done already, and i am already making adjustments to it
lemme know which branch you pushed yours to so i can know what is there too

@DanAdewole, I and my team worked on number of withdrawals, and I worked on the branch withdrawals- counts.

okay, alright
your team would push that. Clearly this issue doesn't mention withdrawal counts