
execute in one single statement

araneta opened this issue · 1 comments

from this code
`select * from colpivot('_output', $$
select "StudentEnrollmentID" as a,value, name, "ComponentID" as q, "order" as o
from "university"."CourseSchedulledAssessmentComponent"
LEFT JOIN "university"."AssessmentResultPerComponent" ON "AssessmentResultPerComponent"."ComponentID" = "university"."CourseSchedulledAssessmentComponent"."ID"
where "CourseSchedulledAssessmentComponent"."UniversityID" = 1001 AND "CourseSchedulledAssessmentComponent"."CourseSchedulledID" = 1008
$$, array['a'], array['q'], '#.value', 'sum(o) asc');

select * from _output
is it possible to execute this in single statement?

hnsl commented

Probably better to ask stack overflow, please use issues for bugs or feature requests.