
Installing IdeaSpaceVR (VRStoryGram SWAG Incentive)

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I would really appreciate any assistance with this!!!! I can send some VRStoryGram for the person/s who help me get this working!!! in addition to your chance for swag from Mozilla!!

I am looking for help installing IdeaSpaceVR for my Mozz Fest Project. I have completed setting up the server and have downloaded the software and then unzipped and put it in the the correct directory. I am following:
and am on step 4.

I am installing hosting my website and IdeaSpaceVR on the same server. I created a /vr directory
From the command line I can see
/var/www/html/vr and in there are all of the IdeaSpaceVR assets. However, when I go to my https://myipaddress/vr I get a 404 error.

I followed the attached directions:

and added

<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

as well as

<Directory /var/www/html/vr>
AllowOverride All

but it did not help. As I previously mentioned there is SWAG from VRStoryGram for the person/s who help me get this working!!!