
Installing MYSQL DB in UBUNTO for IdeaSpaceVR (VRStoryGram SWAG Incentive)

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I would really appreciate any assistance with this!!!! I can send some VRStoryGram swag for the person/s who help me get this working!!! This is in addition to your chance for swag from Hacktoberfest!!

I am looking for help installing IdeaSpaceVR for my Mozz Fest Project. I have completed setting up the program on the server and the install script has run and acknowledged that everything is set up correctly.

I am following:
and am currently on step 6. I have double and triple checked the DB name, the username, and the password, so I am 98% sure that it is a problem connecting to the DB. I am hosting the program, the server and the website all on the same server and trying to use "localhost"

I think that MYSQL is not talking with PHP and I am not sure how to resolve this. Any help would be REALLY appreciated! If you get me through this step there is Swag from VRStoryGram for you!!
