
Wikidata claims or statements to natural language

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Wikidata2Text (Wikidata statements/claims to Text - WS2T) is a sub-task of Data2Text. This task is to translate Wikidata claims or statements, organized as a set of triples or quadruples to Wikipedia sentences.

Our paper are currently under review at http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/mapping-process-task-wikidata-statements-text-wikipedia-sentences under the name "Mapping Process for the Task: Wikidata Statements to Text as Wikipedia Sentences". The code is mainly about the data mapping process.


We have two folders for the data:

  • Our_data: is the folder containing all of our data for the paper.
  • Data: this folder is for the experiment, we already set some data files for testing purposes here.
  • Note that we use "#" as the delimiters for all *.csv files.

How to collect data?

At first, we have to collect the pairs of (item, page) via Wikidata query server at https://query.wikidata.org/. We use 2 queries:

Query 1 - Retrieve all qualifiers of property P26 and count their occurrence frequency.

SELECT ?qual ?qualLabel ?count WHERE {
 SELECT ?qual (COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?count) WHERE {
 hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" .
 ?item p:P26 ?statement .
 ?statement ?pq_qual ?pq_obj .
 ?qual wikibase:qualifier ?pq_qual .
 GROUP BY ?qual
 } .
 ?qual rdfs:label ?qualLabel filter (lang(?qualLabel) = "en") .
ORDER BY DESC(?count) ASC(?qualLabel)

Query 2 - Capture a page list by qualifiers (P580, P582) of property P26. We can download the results of this file as *.csv format.

SELECT ?item ?title ?object ?property ?value ?sitelink WHERE {
 ?item p:P26 ?object.
 ?object ps:P26 ?property;
 pq:P580|pq:P582 ?value.
 ?sitelink schema:about ?item;
 schema:isPartOf <https://en.wikipedia.org/>;
 schema:name ?title.
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,en". }
LIMIT 50000

In this project, we store several files for Wikidata properties as following:

  • data/p108.csv
  • data/p166.csv
  • data/p26.csv
  • data/p39.csv
  • data/p54.csv
  • data/p69.csv

Open file collect_data.py and check these lines before running the command: python collect_data.py

file_name = 'p54' # predicate property
file_name_output = 'data/output_' + file_name + '.csv'  # the output url
page_list = read_from_csv_file('data/' + file_name + '.csv',  ',', 1) # the input url
page_list = sorted(list(set(page_list))) # filter repetitive pages and sort by alphabet

The data collection process will take time about several days to a week, consider to hangout your code on the server.

Our data

Dataset We put all of our data in the folder /our_data. We have these outcome datasets:

  • output_common.csv: containing all Wikidata properties that we can have in the data mapping process.
  • output_common2.csv: containing only 6 Wikidata properties: p108, p166, p26, p39, p54, p69
  • output_common2_measures.rar: add metric values (TF, IDF, local distance, global distance, their combinations) to output_common2.csv
  • output_common2_trained.csv: add trained raw text to output_common2.csv
  • output_p108.csv
  • output_p166.csv
  • output_p26.csv
  • output_p39.csv
  • output_p54.csv
  • output_p69.csv

An example Here is an example for a mapping of property P26:

type: S1
subject: Q123849
predicate: P26
object: Q22910017
qualifiers: P580
raw_sentence: In 1981, Seymour married David Flynn.
labeled_sentence_1: In [o0:P580-qualifier] , [s] married [o0] [o0] .
labeled_sentence_2: In [o0:P580-qualifier] , [s] married [o0] .
order_1: [o0:P580-qualifier],[s],[o0]
order_2: [o0:P580-qualifier],[s],[o0]

Mapping method

We do have many complex definitions and minor steps. The mapping process includes 4 main steps:

  • Subject matching: mandatory
  • Object matching: mandatory
  • Qualifier matching: mandatory
  • External matching (based on object matching): optional
  • Predicate matching: evaluate the results later

Have a look at this figure:

  • Subject matching: He <---> Q1372810
  • Object matching: Bologna <---> Q1893
  • Qualifier matching: July 2011 <---> P580
  • External matching (based on object matching): Serie A <---> Q1893:P118, club <---> Q1893:P31
  • Predicate matching: moved <---> P54 (member of sports team), our duty is to check the verb "moved" against P54 with/without P530. Check the last section of this guildline.

alt text

How to evaluate your mapped data?

To check the mapped data, we use several methods:

  • Entity linking methods
  • Cumulative rates
  • Noise fitering
  • Relationships between sentence predicates against Wikidata properties and qualifiers

1. Entity linking methods (EL methods)

We use several entity linking methods: AIDA, Babel (optional), OpenTapioca, TagMe, WAT, Wikifer, and our baseline method mapping terms directly to Wikipedia and Wikidata. These methods can be found in the folder /entity_linking. The main code is in the file mapping_estimation.py.

We evaluate the mapped results by two types: type matching, and data matching, over three sentence components: subject matching, object matching, and qualifier matching by raw text and trained text (neuralcoref). We only apply trained text for subject matching since there are a lot of pronouns (he, she) in the mapped sentences.

You can find these files:

  • test_object_matching_aida.py
  • test_object_matching_babelfy.py
  • test_object_matching_opentapioca.py
  • ...

For example, open the file test_object_matching_aida.py:

from mapping_estimation import *

input_file_name = 'data/output_common2.csv' # the input data
df = pd.read_csv(input_file_name, delimiter='#', dtype=dtypes, usecols=list(dtypes))

evaluate_object_matching('aida', df) # the output will be store on "/data" folder

To get the trained text, we use 2 files: neuralcoref_training.py and test_neuralcoref.py. Here is the content of test_neuralcoref.py.

from neuralcoref_training import *
# output will be stored at "data/output_common2_trained.csv"
input_file_name = 'data/output_common2.csv' # input
df = pd.read_csv(input_file_name, delimiter='#', dtype=dtypes, usecols=list(dtypes))

We already evaluated the corpus by these EL methods which stored in folder "/our_data". For example, check one of these files: our_data/subject_matching_trained_wat.txt. All of these files are in *.csv format with the form:

For type matching: sentence, total_score, current_rows, no_datatype_rows, no_qualifier_rows, sentence_score, sentence_length

For data matching: sentence, total_score, current_rows, match_rows, no_term_rows, current_rows - match_rows - no_term_rows

  • total_score: This is the total score for the corpus. For each sentence, the maximum score is 1.
  • no_datatype_rows: the number of rows which do not have datatype for type matching.
  • no_qualifier_rows: the number of rows which do not have any qualifier. All sentences in our corpus contains at least 1 qualifier.
  • match_rows: is the number of rows that match the data.
  • no_term_rows: is the number of rows that entity linking methods can not get the data.

2. Evaluation all sentences by metrics (TF, IDF, local_distance, global_distance and their combinations)

Open test_corpus_estimation.py and see these lines:

result_dict = load_corpus('data/output_common2.csv', 'data/wordvectors_common2.txt', 'common2', '#', dtypes, False, True)
test_convert_corpus_to_measures(result_dict, 'data/output_common2_measures.csv')

Note that we use "D:\wiki-news-300d-1M.vec" in the function load_corpus() in the file corpus_estimation.py. Download wiki-news-300d-1M.vec at https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/english-vectors.html.

We already did this step and store as the file "output_common2_measures.csv" in "/data" and "/our_data" folders. Note that the output file output_common2_measures.csv will be used to evaluate for all below sections.

3. Basic statistics

Open test_corpus_estimation.py and see these lines:

basic statistics # (Section 6.2 & Table 11)

4. Cumulative rate

alt text

By each Wikidata property, we extract redundant words (or redundant phrases for the better performance) of their sentences and show them on the plot. Open test_corpus_estimation.py and see these lines:

input_file_name = 'data/output_common2_measures.csv'   
df = pd.read_csv(input_file_name, delimiter='#', dtype=dtypes3, usecols=list(dtypes3))
df = df.sample(frac=1.0)
test_cumulative_rate(df) # Figure 6

5. Noise filtering

Open test_corpus_estimation.py and see these lines:

input_file_name = 'data/output_common2_measures.csv'   
df = pd.read_csv(input_file_name, delimiter='#', dtype=dtypes3, usecols=list(dtypes3))
df = df.sample(frac=1.0)

# noise filtering - Section 6.3 & Table 12
label_list = df['label'].tolist()
y_true = []
for la in label_list:
    if (la == 'x'): y_true.append(0)
    else: y_true.append(-1) # outliners
x_true = []
df1 = df.loc[:, ['tf2', 'idf2', 'local2', 'global2']] # we use 4 features
cols = df1.columns
df[cols] = df[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
x_true = [list(row[1:]) for row in df[cols].itertuples(name=None)]
x_true = np.array(np.float32(x_true)) # to avoid buffer overflow
x_true = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 100)).fit(x_true).transform(x_true) # fit range [0, 100]
y_true = np.array(y_true)
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_true, y_true, test_size=0.1, random_state=1)
result_list = test_noise_filtering(x_train, x_test, x_true, y_train, y_test, y_true)
print('result_list: ', result_list)

We store the result as our_data/result_noise_filtering.csv.

6. Relationships between sentence predicates against Wikidata properties and qualifiers

Open test_corpus_estimation.py and see these lines:

# rank qualifiers by predicates - Table 14 & Table 15
test_rank_predicate_by_property_and_qualifier(by_qualifier=False) # Table 14, without qualifiers
test_rank_predicate_by_property_and_qualifier(by_qualifier=True)  # Table 15, with qualifiers

Note that we use "D:\wiki-news-300d-1M.vec" in the function load_corpus() in the file corpus_estimation.py. Download wiki-news-300d-1M.vec at https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/english-vectors.html.

We store the results as /our_data/results_roots_vs_properties2.txt and our_data/results_roots_vs_properties_and_qualifiers.txt.

Here is the relationships between sentence predicates and Wikidata properties. Relationships between sentence predicates and Wikidata properties.


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