
Docker Image with Apache (mod_rewrite), PHP with extensions (pdo, mysql, memcache, redis), collectd

Primary LanguageShell

Web Server Image for our production container:

  • Apache with Mod_rewrite enable
  • PHP 5.5 with PDO, MySQL, Redis, Memcache Extension
  • Supervisord to monitor apache process to prevent failure
  • Collectd with write_http plugin to send heartbeat to a website endpoint


  • Apache configuration in /apache-config.conf
  • Supervisord configuration in /supervisord.conf
  • CollectD configuration in /collectd-config.conf.tpl

Environment Variables




  • COLLECTD_WRITEHTTP_HOST : URL will receive data (HTTP POST request) from collectd agent. For testing, you can create a temporary URL at http://requestb.in/

Binding code directory for development

  • If you want to mount your developing source code directory to running container (to prevent re-build each time when code change), you can mount volumn from your source code directory to "/var/www/site/". docker run ... -v /path/to/source/code:/var/www/site/

  • Note on MacOS: becausing using virtualbox, so, running virtualbox image share folder /Users with host. So, if you want to mount volumn to docker container, you must put your folders/files in your /Users or sub directories of /Users on your Macbook Disk.

Example Run

  • Normal start web server: $ > docker run -ti -d -p 8080:80 -h webserver -e COLLECTD_WRITEHTTP_HOST="http://receive-collectd-server/" --name web01 hoangthienan/docker-apache-php

Docker Hub Repository
