Matches operator does not match
sanderdekroon opened this issue · 1 comments
I really love this project, it's working great so far! Except one thing, which I'm probably failing to understand (correctly).
I'm trying to match a 'description' with a partial string. I've found the matches operator and created the following rule:
description matches "somestring"
I load up the context, the rule, etc. And run it against this context:
lorem ipsum dolor sit somestring amet
Now I'm expecting this to return true (as 'somestring' matches a part of the context. Yet it returns false. I was expecting a similar functionality like the strpos function in PHP.
Am I using the operator wrong, or do I have to define a custom operator to accomplish something like this?
Thanks in advance.
To add a bit more context (hehe), this is the code that's supposed to run all the rules. If a rule matches a transaction. a category_id is added to the transaction.
$rules = Rule::all();
$transactions = Transaction::all();
foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
$context = new Context();
$context['account_id'] = $transaction->account_id;
$context['account_number'] = $transaction->account_number;
$context['account_name'] = $transaction->account_name;
$context['type'] = $transaction->type;
$context['amount'] = $transaction->amount;
$context['description'] = $transaction->description;
$context['date'] = $transaction->date;
$context['book_code'] = $transaction->book_code;
$hoaRuler = new Ruler();
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if ($hoaRuler->assert(strtolower($rule->rule), $context)) {
$transaction->category_id = $rule->category_id;
Huh? What? I sent a comment for this issue 6 days ago… damn…
So, from memory… the matches
operator works as expected:
$ hoa ruler:assert -d 'foobarbaz' 'd matches "bar"'
$ echo $?
0 # success
$ hoa ruler:assert -d 'foobarbaz' 'd matches "qux"'
$ echo $?
1 # fail
Can we have more details please? Did you try with a minimal working example?