
Idea! Attendant's as regions

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Mir09 commented

What if we were able to designate an attendant as a region, that is capable of movement and so needs to also be tracked. That way we would be able to measure the time a patron spent in proximity to that region, just like we can measure the time spent in proximity to an art object.

The main point being that some attendants don't interact with patrons that much, or when they do they can be very quick ("don't do that", "the washrooms are over there") whereas other times those interactions can be much longer. I think this would be likely to influence the total time spent in the space we are tracking.

Hopefully that's an ok description!

Tracking a region is implemented. It is possible to extract Time In Region given the data exported but is not calculated in the program (yet).

Is exporting Time In Region a required field? It may make the csv messy as it needs a column for each region for each person.... I would sugguest sorting by Person and Region and finding the min/max times spent in regions and be a part of post-processing as a set of variables.