
Configurable json payload attribute

hobbyquaker opened this issue · 11 comments

until now - if json parsing isn't disabled - homekit2mqtt tries to use the attribute val (following https://github.com/mqtt-smarthome/mqtt-smarthome/blob/master/Architecture.md). This should be configurable to allow non-mqtt-smarthome json payloads.

as suggested by @matsekberg json-path could be used. Or to keep it simple (json-path seems a bit too much for just selecting a specific property) smth like https://github.com/sindresorhus/dot-prop could be sufficient?

I would love JSONPath, at the moment I manually have to seperate it into more than one topic which is a bit of a pain

Do you really need json path or would it be sufficient to just select properties/subproperties via dot-notation? E.g. lamp.brightness to select 100 from {"lamp":{"brightness":100, ...}, ...}?
I think json-path with all its powerful possibilities to query more than one property, recursive queries, select array members and so on is oversized, I would prefer a simple solution here.

I think dot notation is fine.
I generally do it like this in MQTT {type}/{room}/{action}

So the JSON for an Airconditioner could be as simple as this.
I just want to grab one of the values

	"mode": 1,
	"temp": 22,
	"set_temp": 20

So I could just do .mode to grab the mode? I think any further than that is overkill for the moment.

Not sure if I should add this here, but I've got another example where the current JSON implementation isn't working.
I have a Sonoff TH16 which has a Temperature and Humidity sensor. It has Tasmota installed on it, and the temperature and Humidity are sent like this over MQTT:

tele/th1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2017-02-08T14:19:04", "DHT":{"Temperature":"21.4", "Humidity":"42.3"}}

Now I have configured a Temperature sensor in homekit2mqtt, but I cannot extract the "Temperature" value. And for the Humidty sensor I've configured I cannot extract the "Humidity" value.

Yes, that's exactly what a configurable json property would be for. Until it's implemented you can only work around that by e.g. a Node-RED flow that subscribes to tele/th1/SENSOR, extracts the wanted properties and republish them as plain values on distinct topics, e.g. tele/th1/SENSOR/Temperature and tele/th1/SENSOR/Humidity.

Example js code for a Node-RED function node (untested):

const data = JSON.parse(msg.payload);
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
    topic: msg.topic + '/' + key,
    payload: String(data[key]);

implemented in v1.1.0
Access nested properties via dot notation, e.g. {"lamp1":{"bri":100}} via lamp1.bri.

Hi, i've installed homekit2mqtt 1.1.2 and i try to comunicate with my son off sensor.
json = tele/sonoff/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-09-03T16:59:03", "DHT11":{"Temperature":"26.0", "Humidity":"50.0"}}
How to parse only temperature value?
I read that Access nested properties was implemented on version 1.1.0 but i can't parse the value.
Thanx in advance

In your case I think you can use the JSON Property in the websever editor just under statusTemperature for the specific accessory and put DHT11.Temperature

I tried like described to parse a value from a nested Json on the topic "tele/sonoff_th1/SENSOR".
JSON I get is:

In the webinterface I have set "Status Temperature" to tele/sonoff_th1/SENSOR, and "JSON Property" to SI7021.Temperature

I can´t get the value to show up in Homekit
Can you help to point out what´s wrong here?

p.s.: homekit2mqtt version is 1.1.2


To use 'JSON Property' in TemperatureSensor and HumiditySensor, you have to modify it as follows.

service file


"HumiditySensor": {
"topic": [
  {"name": "statusHumidity "}, <-FIX  statusHumidity ->statusCurrentRelativeHumidity
  {"name": "statusLowBattery", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusTampered", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusActive", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusFault", "optional": true}
"TemperatureSensor": {
  "topic": [
  {"name": "statusTemperature "},  <- FIX  statusTemperature->statusCurrentTemperature 
  {"name": "statusLowBattery", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusTampered", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusActive", "optional": true},
  {"name": "statusFault", "optional": true}

sensor payload

topic = office/aw1485a/status
msg.payload = {"battery":96,"temperature":25.8,"humidity":41}



 "사무실온도계": {
   "name": "사무실",
   "manufacturer": "iHWANGYU",
   "model": "aw1485a",
   "services": [
       "name": "온도",
       "service": "TemperatureSensor",
       "topic": {
         "statusTemperature": "office/aw1485a/status", # FIX statusTemperature -> statusCurrentTemperature
         "statusLowBattery": "",
         "statusTampered": "",
         "statusActive": "",
         "statusFault": ""
       "json": {
      "statusCurrentTemperature": "temperature",
      "statusLowBattery": "",
      "statusTampered": "",
      "statusActive": "",
      "statusFault": ""
    "payload": {
      "fahrenheit": false,
      "invertLowBattery": false,
      "invertTampered": false,
      "invertActive": false,
      "invertFault": false
    "config": {},
    "props": {
      "CurrentTemperature": {
        "minValue": 0,
        "maxValue": 35
    "name": "습도",
    "service": "HumiditySensor",
    "topic": {
      "statusHumidity": "office/aw1485a/status", # FIX statusHumidity -> statusCurrentRelativeHumidity
      "statusLowBattery": "",
      "statusTampered": "",
      "statusActive": "",
      "statusFault": ""
    "json": {
      "statusCurrentRelativeHumidity": "humidity",
      "statusLowBattery": "",
      "statusTampered": "",
      "statusActive": "",
      "statusFault": ""
    "payload": {
      "invertLowBattery": false,
      "invertTampered": false,
      "invertActive": false,
      "invertFault": false
      "config": {},
      "props": {}
    "id": "사무실온도계",
    "payload": {},
    "config": {},
    "category": 1