
Play Youtube videoId not work

ralfhille opened this issue · 2 comments

The Youtube Node automatically launches the app and stays in the main menu , the video unfortunately does not play.

Can anyone confirm if the node works or there is a problem.

May payload for the NODE:

_msgid: "c2309137.97343"
payload: "dVkK36KOcqs"
topic: ""

Thx for help

I believe that the most recent LG WebOS Youtube App has recently changed the format of it's payload request, and that this is essentially a API issue in the YouTube App. I'm not sure exactly what the new correct format for the payload is though. I'm trying to work this out, so if anyone has any ideas on where this might be documented or how it could be sniffed out, that would solve a lot of problems across several different ecosystems that interact with the LG TV Youtube App.

Works for me
