
ubnt-unifi is a Node.js module that allows you to listen to events from and call methods on the UniFi API :satellite:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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ubnt-unifi is a Node.js module that allows you to listen for events from and call methods on the UniFi API (UniFi is Ubiquiti Networks wifi controller software).

This is a fork of unifi-events, heavily modified to suite my needs.



$ npm install ubnt-unifi


const Unifi = require('ubnt-unifi')

const unifi = new Unifi({
  host: 'unifi',                        // The hostname or ip address of the unifi controller (default: 'unifi')
  port: 8443,                           // Port of the unifi controller (default: 8443)
  username: 'admin',                    // Username (default: 'admin').
  password: 'ubnt',                     // Password (default: 'ubnt').
  site: 'default',                      // The UniFi site to connect to (default: 'default').
  insecure: true                        // Allow connections if SSL certificate check fails (default: false).

// Listen for any event
unifi.on('**', function (data) {
  console.log(this.event, data);


ubnt-unifi uses EventEmitter2 and namespaced events.

namespace ctrl

These events indicate the status of the connection to the UniFi controller

  • ctrl.connect - emitted when the connection to the controller is established
  • ctrl.disconnect - emitted when the connection to the controller is lost
  • ctrl.error -
  • ctrl.reconnect -

namespaces wu, wg, lu, ...

This JSON file shows all possible events: https://demo.ubnt.com/manage/locales/en/eventStrings.json?v= The prefix EVT_ gets stripped, the first underscore is replaced by the namespace separating dot, everything is converted to lower case. Some events such as EVT_AD_LOGIN (Admin Login) are not emitted by the UniFi Controller.

Example Wireless User events

  • wu.connected - Wireless User connected
  • wu.disconnected - Wireless User disconnected
  • wu.roam - Wireless User roamed from one AP to another
  • wu.roam_radio - Wireless User changed channel on the same AP

Example Wireless Guest Events

  • wg.connected - Wireless Guest connected
  • wg.disconnected - Wireless Guest disconnected
  • wg.roam - Wireless Guest roamed from one AP to another
  • wg.roam_radio - Wireless Guest changed channel on the same AP
  • wg.authorization_ended - Wireless Guest became unauthorised

Wildcard usage

Example listing for events on Guest Wireless networks only:

unifi.on('wg.*', function (data) {
  console.log(this.event, data);

Example listening for connected events on all network types:

unifi.on('*.connected', function (data) {
  console.log(this.event, data);



Connect to the UniFi controller. Is called in the constructor, so normally you don't need to call it (except if you want to re-establish a connection that was closed before).


Closes the connection to the UniFi controller

UniFi API Methods

Following methods operate on the configured site. The path gets prefixed with https://<host>:<port>/api/s/<site>/ if it does not start with a slash, otherwise it gets prefixed with https://<host>:<port>. To explore available API endpoints you can use the UniFi-API-browser.

These methods are returning a promise.


Do a HTTP GET on the API.


  • Get a list of all clients
  • Get infos of a specific client
  • Get alarms
  • Get wireless network IDs
unifi.get('rest/wlanconf').then(res => {
    res.data.forEach(wlan => {
        console.log(wlan.name, wlan._id);
  • Get device IDs
unifi.get('stat/device').then(res => {
     res.data.forEach(dev => {
        console.log(dev.name, dev._id);


Do a HTTP DELETE on the API.

post(path, body)

Do a HTTP POST on the API.


  • Enable all LEDs of all APs
unifi.post('set/setting/mgmt', {led_enabled: true}).then(console.log);
  • Disable a WLAN
unifi.post('upd/wlanconf/<wlan_id>', {enabled: false}).then(console.log);

put(path, body)

Do a HTTP PUT on the API.


  • Enable LED of AP
unifi.put('rest/device/<device_id>', {led_override: 'on'}).then(console.log);


MIT © 2018 Sebastian Raff
MIT © 2017-2018 oznu