
Simple Mattermost Bot 🤡🤠

Primary LanguageJavaScript


License NPM version Dependency Status devDependency Status

Simple Mattermost Bot 🤡🤠

Uses Webhooks


  • Prerequisites: Node.js
  • Install Waldorf sudo npm install -g waldorf
  • Create a directory for the Scripts e.g. mkdir /opt/waldorf

Mattermost Setup

  • In the System Console - Integrations - Custom Integrations:

    • Enable Incoming Webhooks
    • Enable Outgoing Webhooks
    • Enable Integrations to Override Usernames
  • Create the Webhooks in the Team Settings - Integrations

    • an Incoming Webhook for every Channel where Waldorf should be able to say something
    • an Outgoing Webhook, you don't need to select a Channel here - then Waldorf will be able to subscribe to messages in every Channel. Define desired Trigger Words, e.g. "@waldorf". As Callback URL you need to supply the IP Address and the Port where Waldorf listens, if Waldorf runs on the same server as Mattermost you can use e.g.

Start Waldorf

See waldorf --help for available options.

Example Start command:

waldorf -u \
    -n waldorf \
    -s /opt/waldorf \
    -t s1zz8e1wxzgwjfmsnz3c43dnpa \
    -c ij6osdf3ofnidp199ronuinwne:town-square \
    -c hiirtud1spfwmfegd3pejamzsr:another-channel 

The -t option supplies the Secret Mattermost generated for the Outgoing Webhook, the -c options define Channels and the Secrets of the Incoming Webhooks.

I suggest to use PM2 to start Waldorf.


Just place Javascript Files in the /opt/waldorf folder and mind that you have to restart Waldorf when you change or add Scripts there.

Example Scripts:

// Stupid :)
schedule('37 13 * * *', () => pub('town-square', '1337 time!!1! 🤓'));
// Respond "Hi @user" when someone says "Hello" or "hallo" ...
sub(/[Hh][ea]llo/, (match, user, channel) => pub(channel, `Hi @${user}`));
// simple quote script
const fs = require('fs');
const file = '/opt/waldorf/quotes.json';

let quotes = [];

if (fs.existsSync(file)) quotes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file));

sub(/\!addquote (.*)/, (match, user, channel) => {
    fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(quotes));

sub(/\!randomquote/, (text, user, channel) => {
    pub(channel, '> ' + quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)]);

Script API



Log to stdout/stderr. Messages are prefixed with a timestamp and the calling scripts path.


pub(channel, text)

Send Text to a Channel

sub(pattern, callback) ⇒ subscriptionId

Add a Subscription that calls a Callback when pattern matches text said in a Channel


Remove a Subscription

schedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule recurring and one-shot events


subscribeCallback : function


Log to stdout/stderr. Messages are prefixed with a timestamp and the calling scripts path.

Kind: global class


Log a debug message

Kind: static method of log



Log an info message

Kind: static method of log



Log a warning message

Kind: static method of log



Log an error message

Kind: static method of log


pub(channel, text)

Send Text to a Channel

Kind: global function

Param Type
channel string
text string

sub(pattern, callback) ⇒ subscriptionId

Add a Subscription that calls a Callback when pattern matches text said in a Channel

Kind: global function

Param Type
pattern string | RegExp
callback subscribeCallback


// Respond "Hi @User" when someone says "Hello" or "hello"
sub(/[Hh]ello/, (match, user, channel) => pub(`Hi @${user}`));


Remove a Subscription

Kind: global function

Param Type
id subscriptionId

schedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule recurring and one-shot events

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
pattern string | Date | Object | Array.<mixed> pattern or array of patterns. May be cron style string, Date object or node-schedule object literal. See https://github.com/tejasmanohar/node-schedule/wiki
[options] Object
[options.random] number random delay execution in seconds. Has to be positive
callback function is called with no arguments


// every full Hour.
schedule('0 * * * *', callback);

// Monday till friday, random between 7:30am an 8:00am
schedule('30 7 * * 1-5', {random: 30 * 60}, callback);

// once on 21. December 2018 at 5:30am
schedule(new Date(2018, 12, 21, 5, 30, 0), callback);

// every Sunday at 2:30pm
schedule({hour: 14, minute: 30, dayOfWeek: 0}, callback);

subscribeCallback : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
text string | Array.<string> text or .match(RegExp) array
user string the Name of the User that said something
channel string the Channel where something was said


MIT (c) Copyright Sebastian Raff