
Text missing when receiving image including text from iOS

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Send from iOS

Received on Android:



From Android to iOS/ Android to Android:

  • Wrong order: Message and image are flipped
  • Wrong layout: image shouldn't be in a bubble shape (see iOS screenshot)

From iOS to Android:

  • Missing text message

iOS sends attachment and text in one combined message, while Android sends separated messages.
Android is not able to display the combined message.

@elRadish Does it need to be changed in iOS client or is there another way to get around it on Android?

Maybe we should use one strategy for both clients when sending Image and Text together.

  • iOS -> Android:
    As first step, I'll try to rearrange the Message Layout to show both parts of such a combined message in Android.

  • Android -> Android / iOS:
    Message has to be sent combined from Android or in another order (Image first)

If we send Message + Attachment combined from Android, we'll lose backward compatibility to older Android clients

Follow up ticket: #1224