
Mobile Overhaul: Carousels

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Reason (Why?)
In the current mobile version of the openArtBrowser, the sliders have very small prev/next buttons.
Additionally, the interactions could be improved for mobile usage (swipe gesture).

Solution (What?)

Initial State After overhaul

We should increase the size of the prev/next buttons and add swipe gestures to navigate forwards/backwards.

Acceptance criteria
- as described in the solution -

Hi @ahmadf0311! One more thing I've noticed in regards to the carousels is the label text below the pictures:


I think it would be much better to display the artwork title (e.g. "Pastoral with a Couple near a Fountain") instead of the year, because the year is already visible in the slider/timeline on the top.
On desktop devices, the title of the artwork can be seen when hovering the picture - but this makes no sense on mobile devices, because hardly anybody will see the hover state.