
XBuild error

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Using the code below, I receive the following error:

{ [Error: Command failed: /bin/sh: Build: command not found ] killed: false, code: 127, signal: null }
  return gulp.src(projects) //variable that points to solution/projects
      configuration: configuration, //variable that points to either Debug or Release
      targets: ["Clean", "Build"],
      errorOnFail: true,
      stdout: true

I only see this error on my Mac. I do not have this issue on Windows. Any idea what's the issue?

hoffi commented

Could you run again with the option logCommand: true.
Looks like the command was generated wrong.

Here is the command:

"xbuild" "/path-to-sln/name.sln" /target:Clean;Build /verbosity:normal /toolsversion:4.0 /nologo /maxcpucount /property:Configuration="Development"

hoffi commented

Hm looks like the semicolon of the targets is a problem.

Can you try these:

  • Use only one Target for example: targets: ["Rebuild"]
  • Execute the command manually but wrap the targets in double quotes:
    • xbuild "/path-to-sln/name.sln" /target:"Clean;Build" /verbosity:normal /toolsversion:4.0 /nologo /maxcpucount /property:Configuration="Development"

Work both?

I think both of those "work", however not I am getting the "MSBUILD0004: Too many project files specified". Have you seen that error before?

hoffi commented

Okay thanks, i will fix this.
For the error: Never heard of such an error and im also not sure what this means... Looks like a problem in the .sln file.

hoffi commented

The quote problem is solved.

Looks like it broke the Windows msbuild system.

The target "Clean;Build" does exist in project.
hoffi commented

Should work again with latest version