
Enhancement: add some config validation and help messages

Closed this issue · 7 comments


It would be great if this tool warned you if you were incorrectly using invalid config values. I just spent multiple days trying to get a web publish to work, only to realise that the syntax for targets is targets and not target, and that you should be passing an array instead of just a single value.

Instead of silently choosing defaults, perhaps there should be some validation and suggestions of the value you might have been looking for?

hoffi commented

Thanks for the suggestion, i will look into it :)

hoffi commented

I have added a validation for unknown options in version 0.4.2. When a unknown option is found a suggestion is shown what the right command could be.

Hi hoffi,

Please, next time, don't do that in a patch release ! It breaks our builds where version was set to "^0.4.0".
It was more permissive before.


hoffi commented

Hey @JulienMartin, what do you mean with "It was more permissive before"? Are there options that are not working anymore? (Except #44)

@hoffi We have a wrong parameter (projectConfiguration instead of configuration, like grunt task). Default value of configuration parameter is Release, so no problem before. That was silent and everything worked like a charm.
For a patch release, a warning was maybe more appropriate imo.

hoffi commented

Ah ok i see. Thanks for the hint, i will notice this for the next time. 👍

bbaia commented
