
Reproduce epezent/ImPlot Table Line Plot Demo for EMG

jhgorse opened this issue · 7 comments

This gif from epezent/implot

Is used at the end of the DPG documentation for Plots

Has this been implemented in DPG? If not, perhaps this belongs as an issue or community challenged to reproduce in DPG and compare to the C++ ImPlot original.

Necessary Assets

  • Code Sample
  • GIFs

Has this been implemented in DPG?

I can't tell for sure but I bet it hasn't. Just because nobody really needed it. It's basically a set of shade series in a table. A single row includes a couple of text labels and a plot with a shade series, axes hidden, and data being updated at regular intervals. Easy to do on your own.

This is as far as I would care to go:

from random import randrange
import time
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg

dpg.create_viewport(title="Test", width=600, height=500)

with dpg.window() as w:
    x_values = [i for i in range(TOTAL_VALUES)]
    y_values = [0] * TOTAL_VALUES
    last_update = time.time()

    def update_data():
        global y_values, last_update

        # Make sure we're not too fast
        if time.time() - last_update < 0.03:
        last_update = time.time()
        y_values = y_values[1:]
        y_values.append(randrange(0, 10))
        dpg.configure_item("data-row-1", y1=y_values)

    with dpg.item_handler_registry() as handlers:

    with dpg.plot(height=50, no_box_select=True, no_mouse_pos=True):
        dpg.bind_item_handler_registry(dpg.last_item(), handlers)

        xaxis = dpg.add_plot_axis(dpg.mvXAxis, no_tick_marks=True, no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True)
        with dpg.plot_axis(dpg.mvYAxis, tag="data-y-axis-1", no_tick_marks=True, no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True):
            dpg.add_shade_series(x_values, y_values, tag="data-row-1")



The original uses a trick to reduce the area between the plot area and the widget frame:
ImPlot::PushStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_PlotPadding, ImVec2(0,0));

which might translate to:
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvPlotStyleVar_PlotPadding, 0, 0)

which appears to have no effect:


  1. https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ahoffstadt%2FDearPyGui+ImPlotStyleVar_PlotPadding&type=code
  2. void mvThemeStyle::push_theme_style()
  3. dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FrameRounding, i*5)


    with dpg.item_handler_registry() as handlers:

# added code
    with dpg.theme(tag="plot_theme"):
        with dpg.theme_component(0):
            dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvPlotStyleVar_PlotPadding, 0, 0)

# plot code
    with dpg.plot(height=50, no_box_select=True, no_mouse_pos=True):
        dpg.bind_item_handler_registry(dpg.last_item(), handlers)

Add category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Plots to add_theme_style(). Also don't forget to bind the theme to the plot with bind_item_theme.

    with dpg.theme() as plot_theme:
        with dpg.theme_component(0):
            dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvPlotStyleVar_PlotPadding, 0, 0, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Plots)

    with dpg.plot(height=30, no_box_select=True, no_mouse_pos=True):
        dpg.bind_item_handler_registry(dpg.last_item(), handlers)
        dpg.bind_item_theme(dpg.last_item(), plot_theme)

Thank you. It does work.

@v-ein is there documentation for this programming model? I have not yet grokked the finer details of the python mapping to the original c++ library.


All the docs I know of are at https://dearpygui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.

It differs from Dear ImGui in that it's not an immediate-mode GUI (in my opinion): it's rather a regular "stateful" UI that uses the immediate-mode Dear ImGui as its backend. So like in other stateful UIs, you have a tree of widgets and each widget has some properties that you can configure. Looks quite similar to wxWidgets and many other GUI frameworks. However, the immediate-mode backend does lead to certain oddities, like being unable to get widget size until it renders at least once (or for auto-sizing containers, more than once), or widgets "shadowing" each other in a weird way if they overlap.

If you have further questions on DPG, I'd highly recommend asking on Discord - it typically has a quicker turnaround.