
Add 'parent' argument to dpg.window() and dpg.add_window()

JosePartal opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to add a parent argument to the functions that create windows (dpg.window() and dpg.add_window())?

I'm asking this because it would be fine to have the possibility to have, for example, windows inside child windows (this could be seen as the child windows behaving as a pseudo viewport), restricting the movement of these windows to the child window area and so on.

@v-ein already suggested an example code to simulate this behaviour on Discord, but I am just wondering if it could be easily implemented on the library.

No, it's not doable. For a discussion of a "window inside a window" please take a look at the following Discord post: https://discord.com/channels/736279277242417272/1187755539237699684.