- 0
how to handle common packages
#74 opened by hiroppy - 1
- 1
install node.js old version is not find
#82 opened by YFAnt - 0
Add subcommand to link/unlink selected version
#83 opened by Alhadis - 1
Not work on 'aarch64'
#80 opened by n-arakawa - 3
Warning: failed to create the file.
#48 opened by mikebarnhardt - 1
Out of memory!
#76 opened by Neos21 - 0
- 1
- 2
Support M1 Mac
#77 opened by eagletmt - 1
List installed version error (cause by .DS_Store)
#36 opened by zchee - 1
`nodebrew install stable` installs latest version
#73 opened by Udomomo - 0
- 5
Binary installation should be default?
#55 opened by 1000ch - 3
curl fetch problem (can't install)
#70 opened by jnst - 1
Support node-chakracore
#68 opened by gfx - 1
- 4
install and install-binary don't work
#57 opened by chamini2 - 5
Fail to fetch source or binary with newest curl
#63 opened by endaaman - 1
macOS Sierraでは nodebrew は、若干、問題あり。
#60 opened by stein2nd - 2
[feature request] nodebrew link
#61 opened by watilde - 0
`nodebrew install` is slow
#59 opened by watiko - 0
- 4
Equivalent of .nvmrc
#35 opened by nikolay - 2
- 1
Support LTS install
#47 opened by yosuke-furukawa - 2
Unable to download node v4.0.0
#43 opened by florianduros - 1
node v4.0.0 でgulpが動かない
#41 opened by cakecatz - 8
- 13
Fail to "npm link"
#30 opened by teppeis - 2
Can't install io.js on x86 (ia32)
#34 opened by hoshi-takanori - 14
io.js support
#31 opened by mizchi - 3
- 0
nodebrew exec (idea)
#25 opened by hokaccha - 3
Can't locate Archive/
#22 opened by nulltask - 4
node-gyp's path
#18 opened by Jxck - 1
Change version each process
#4 opened by hokaccha - 0
Add options parser
#14 opened by hokaccha - 0
install --use opt
#11 opened by hokaccha - 0
#20 opened by hokaccha - 1
zsh complete
#15 opened by hokaccha - 1
Add subcommand `alias`
#12 opened by hokaccha - 3
nodebrew install stable
#13 opened by Jxck - 1
First install node, auto use.
#5 opened by hokaccha - 0
when clean, not found file message
#9 opened by hokaccha - 0
undef version
#10 opened by hokaccha - 0
version args without 'v'
#8 opened by hokaccha - 0
Find latest version
#3 opened by hokaccha - 1
nodebrew clear <version>
#7 opened by Jxck - 1
show remote version list
#6 opened by Jxck