
Setting up a multi-account AWS structure using only Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS Multi Account Setup

This will set up two accounts:

Governance Account

Contains just users, no other resources. Logging in to this account is basically useless, since there are no policies.

Resource Account

Contains all resources and an AdminRole that can be assumed by Governance users.

How to run

Run terraform init to create a working directory.

Create a file terraform.tfvars in this directory:

res_account_id = "..."
res_access_key = "..."
res_secret_key = "..."
res_alias = "unique alias of the res account" # e.g. mystartup-res

gov_account_id = "..."
gov_access_key = "..."
gov_secret_key = "..."
gov_alias = "unique alias of the gov account" # e.g. mystartup-gov

Run terraform plan. If everything is as expected, run terraform apply to execute the planned steps.


  • Enforce Multi Factor
  • Create Admin Group for managing users
  • Enforce short user token TTL