
Crash when server disconnected from internet

zacharygriffee opened this issue · 0 comments

So, I had my internet go out due to ill-warned maintenance by my ISP recently, but it allowed me to see how this would work offline (local area network). My assumption this could work without wide access network. Well, it crashed. I isolated the error location to be coming from the lib/messages.js line 261 the listening function:

  encode (state, m) {
    id.encode(state, m.alias)
    id.encode(state, m.remoteAlias)
    ipv4Address.encode(state, m) // here at 'm'

But, when offline a null host with port 0 is passed to "m" and compact-encoding-net can't encode with null host.

I don't know whether its the library or something wrong with my network. But felt like I should post it here, to see if there is a solution to this.

Edit: Using the websocket transport