Question not issue about populating dev directory
digitalap3 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello. I am a self learner and I am very grateful for what you have created here! I am fairly new to eleventy and I have been pouring over the code and I can't for the life of me find the command that creates the blog
directory in the dev
directory when using the builld-dev
command, since it is not in the src directory. I find that searching for these answers is vital to learning but I have honestly hit a wall and I suspect that I am making it harder than it is.
Thank you in advance for any help as I know this is not an actual issue.
ok got it. I guess none of the tutorials I followed made use of this?
from the website command line usage section:
"A hypothetical in the current directory would be rendered to _site/template/index.html. Read more at Permalinks."
Sorry for my late reply.
The /blog page is created by the src/blog.njk file
If you don´t setup a permalink 11ty create a page name and location (by default the output is /filename/index.html) by its filename. So a src/myname.njk becomes dev/myname/index.html