
Incompatible with Whaleshares

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I've tried to use BeemPy for interacting with the Whaleshares chain.

Reading data from the chain works on what I've tried, but sending a Transaction seems to be less successfull.

I've tried to run a "witness_update" command, both through CLI and Python, and both end up failing with a Bad Cast(7)

CLI Command: beempy -n https://pubrpc.whaleshares.io

witnessupdate --witness startail --url myurl --signing_key 5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "....local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/beemapi/noderpc.py", line 64, in rpcexec
    reply = super(NodeRPC, self).rpcexec(payload)
  File "....local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/beemapi/graphenerpc.py", line 440, in rpcexec
    raise RPCError(ret['error']['message'])
beemapi.exceptions.RPCError: Bad Cast (7)
Invalid cast from type 'array_type' to Object