
beempy is slow

Opened this issue · 4 comments

So I just installed current beem using github clone
then python3 setup.py build python3 setup.py install --user
and beempy is ridiculously slow, even for trivial operations:

sandbox@sandbox:~/beem$ time beempy --version
beempy, version 0.24.14

real    0m6.690s
user    0m6.092s
sys     0m0.603s

What I'm doing wrong? How to speed things up?

btw, using pip3 install beem is slightly faster

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m4.507s
user    0m4.301s
sys     0m0.199s

but problem is pretty much same

Strange, on my server:

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m1.081s
user    0m1.033s
sys     0m0.049s

Does installation of

pip3 install -U cryptography


pip3 install -U secp256k1prp

Change something?

A downgrade of ecdsa to 0.14 increases the load speed, could you test this also:

pip3 install ecdsa==0.14

time beempy --version
beempy, version 0.24.13

real 0m0.511s
user 0m0.454s
sys 0m0.057s

Can you also test the newest ecdsa with gmpy2?

pip3 install ecdsa -U
apt install python3-gmpy2

time beempy --version
beempy, version 0.24.13

real 0m0.618s
user 0m0.526s
sys 0m0.087s

time beempy --version:

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m4.582s
user    0m4.367s
sys     0m0.203s

after using pip3 install -U cryptography it's actually slower:

beempy, version 0.24.13  

real    0m5.196s
user    0m4.966s
sys     0m0.222s

similar after pip3 install -U secp256k1prp:

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m5.037s
user    0m4.830s
sys     0m0.184s

(most likely because using versions slower than those that comes with distro)

however, after pip3 install ecdsa==0.14 while still slow, it's way better:

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m2.609s
user    0m2.439s
sys     0m0.164s

with ecdsa upgraded to 0.16 and with installed python3-gmpy2:

beempy, version 0.24.13

real    0m3.452s
user    0m3.234s
sys     0m0.161s