
Error with get_following() call on some API servers

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I'm using the following code to fetch a list of all account which a specific account follows using the get_following() call.

def get_allowed_accounts(acc_name='podping') -> bool:
    """ get a list of all accounts allowed to post by acc_name (podping)
        and only react to these accounts """

    master_account = Account(acc_name, blockchain_instance=hive, lazy=True)
    allowed = master_account.get_following()
    return allowed

For some reason seemingly dependent on which specific api this call gets sent to, I get the following errors from time to time. The call works, I get my list and everything is fine apart from messy logs.

2021-05-10 09:37:55,751 WARNING beemapi.node MainThread : Error: Assert Exception:api_itr != _registered_apis.end(): Could not find API follow_api
2021-05-10 09:37:55,751 WARNING beemapi.node MainThread : Lost connection or internal error on node: https://rpc.ausbit.dev (1/100) 

2021-05-10 09:37:56,367 WARNING beemapi.node MainThread : Error: Assert Exception:api_itr != _registered_apis.end(): Could not find API follow_api
2021-05-10 09:37:56,367 WARNING beemapi.node MainThread : Lost connection or internal error on node: https://hive.roelandp.nl (1/100) 

I had a chat with Ausbitbank and he's not sure what's going on. This curl works perfectly on his api or any of them as far as I can tell.

curl --data-raw '{"id":16,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["condenser_api","get_following",["podping",null,"blog",1000]]}' https://rpc.ausbit.dev