
Accounts cannot be created on the BLURT blockchain

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I am currently having the same problem when trying to create an account.

The code I am using is the following

  b_account = Blurt(node=cfg.nodelist,keys = Creator_active_key, custom_chains =cfg.custom_chains)
a = Account(account=creator,blockchain_instance=b_account)
a.transfer(to="juan1912",amount= 0.001, memo="memo test", active="BLURT")
password = b_account.create_account(account_name=account_name, creator=creator, password=p)

The transfer is going through, but creating the account throws me the following exception.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File \"C:\\Users\\MICHAELDAVID\\.virtualenvs\\Bot_de_discord_-_BLURT-7HIjnIOi\\lib\\site-packages\\beemapi\\noderpc.py\", line 62, in rpcexec
reply = super(NodeRPC, self).rpcexec(payload)
File \"C:\\Users\\MICHAELDAVID\\.virtualenvs\\Bot_de_discord_-_BLURT-7HIjnIOi\\lib\\site-packages\\beemapi\\graphenerpc.py\", line 479, in rpcexec
raise RPCError(ret['error']['message'])
beemapi.exceptions.RPCError: missing required active authority:Missing Active Authority damurq

If the active key was not present, then the transfer would not be carried out

[Beem V0.24.26 | Python 3.9.1]