
Human-readable TXT record format

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This RFC describes TXT records with the following format:

<owner> <class> <ttl> TXT "<attribute name>=<attribute value>"

This is how I decided to go with redirect.name=... for the TXT record format for this service. However, I'm seeing some services not following the RFC, specifically DNSimple's ALIAS record, which adds a TXT record with value ALIAS for alias.redirect.name.

If it's not really necessary to follow this RFC, maybe a more generic, human readable format would be ideal? Something like:

  • Redirects to https://github.com/holic
  • Redirects permanently to https://github.com/holic
  • Redirects from /github to https://github.com/holic/redirect.name
  • Redirects permanently from /* to https://github.com/holic/*

Wikipedia on TXT records:

Originally for arbitrary human-readable text in a DNS record. Since the early 1990s, however, this record more often carries machine-readable data, such as specified by RFC 1464, opportunistic encryption, Sender Policy Framework, DKIM, DMARC, DNS-SD, etc.

I think this is to verbose. What I'm supporting myself is like this:

_redirect.example.com. IN TXT

  • "301 http://www.example.com/"
  • "302 http://www.example.com/"
  • "301 www"
  • "301 www.example.com."

All of these redirects to http://www.example.com/

I prefer the clear, slightly more verbose syntax.

Just what I was looking for! Thanks