JupyterHub Docker container


Setup: building/running

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Add all required users to users.txt
  3. Add users to whitelist in jupyterhub_config.py
  4. Add libraries to pip install in requirements.txt
  5. Add libraries to conda install in conda_requirements.txt

Optional: Add nbgitpuller link to Home

  1. Uncomment Case 3 lines in Dockerfile
  2. Add nbgitpuller link to templates/home.html

Optional: Use Apache to expose the JupyterHub server via an outward-facing URL

  1. Change the required lines in httpd_jupyterhub_confd
  2. ...
  3. Uncomment Case 4 lines in jupyterhub_config.py

Build the Image

docker build . -t <image_name>

Run container (from port 8001)

docker run --publish 8000:8001 --detach --name container_name image_name:latest

Access server

Go to localhost:8001 or (url/subdomain_name if using Apache)

If using nbgitpuller: Log in and go to the Control panel (top right) to see the download link

Add new users

docker exec -it container_name bash
echo "username:password::::/home/username/:" > new_user.txt
newusers new_user.txt