
Mistakes in the documentation

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Video object in API has a status property, not seen in docs response schema.
  • Channel has: views, subscribers and videos property, not seen in docs either
  • /comments/search response schema shows that it has a data property, while it is comments, better would be to change it to videos as this is what it actually returns.

Other questions:

  • From what I can see, nothing from Bilibili is in the DB yet? Might be useful to note that in the description.
  • What is the photo property supposed to in channel? If there's no use for it(I haven't seen it populated) might be an idea to put the YT profile picture there?
  • Thumbnail property also seems to be always empty? I suppose that needs to be a video thumbnail, the url seems to be https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ID/maxresdefault.jpg and https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ID/maxresdefault_live.jpg. The second URL seems to only work with live livestreams, but the first url also works. Not sure what the difference is.

Hey, sorry for the late response

• Basically Bilibili crawlers aren't implemented yet, not exactly sure what the plan for that is but the db schema is already defined, there's just no Bilibili video data on it.
• If you're referring to Video.channel.photo, it is populated though. It's the thumbnail url for the channel.
Video.thumbnail property was reserved for Bilibili video thumbnails, since you can just build the thumbnail url from the video id.

As for the docs, I'll update it in a bit