
improved system stats

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http://planetmath.org/overview has some basic stats. There are some others we might want:

  • Number of entries added ✓
  • Number of entries edited
  • Number of corrections posted ✓
  • Number of corrections filled
  • Number of questions asked ✓
  • Number of questions answered ✓
  • Number of forum posts ✓
  • Number of new users ✓
  • Amount of patronage donated
  • Number of people donating
  • Number of hits
    • this should be broken down so that, for instance,
      we don't get fooled when our hits go up because a search engine decides
      to index twice a day instead of once a day in order to provide more
      timely results.
  • Search engine ranking
    • this can be measured by collecting a sample
      set of queries related to math, inputing them to various engines,
      and averaging the raniking of those terms. I would also be good to
      look at the breakdown here to see, for instance, how specialized
      queries compare with general ones.