
Allow nullable variable types from Kotlin

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Steps to reproduce

  • camunda-bpm-data version: 1.4.0
  • Camunda BPM version: 7.20.0
  • JDK version: 17
  • Operating system: MacOs

Expected behaviour

When the library was implemented in Java, it was possible to set a variable to null, due to somewhat relaxed interoperability rules.

Actual behaviour

Now I can't find a way to do that. The boundary for the type parameter T of a variable factory is Any, not Any?, so I can't create a Variable Factory for a nullable type. The set methods take a T argument, not T?, so I can't put null in there. The best I can do is to remove the variable if the value is null, but that is cumbersome. Also it's not the same thing if a variable doesn't exist at all as when the variable exists with value null.

It would also be nice to have some convenience functions like setIfNotNull or setOrRemove to not interrupt the flow of fluent variable writing.

I'm posting this as a bug because it's a regression and major breaking change compared to the Java implementation.