
Pass RGB parameters to color bulb?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, is this possible with hass-cli? I can start a scene that I previously defined in Smart Life, but that way it only allows to set one predefined color. I would like to set various colors by hass-cli.

(IFTTT used to do that, at least for basic colors red, blue, orange, yellow, white, green... But is not integrated with Smart Life anymore)

Thanks, Jan

bpsib commented

Can someone explain how to do this? I have tried hass-cli service call homeassistant.toggle --arguments entity_id=light.055667caab5065b --arguments rgb_color="[0, 0, 255]" but get error: ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #1 has length 1; 2 is required

bpsib commented

So I have given up on this and made my own solution using the REST API and curl. I have made my own script for changing the color and have the token saved in a file called hatoken. Replace localhost with your IP/domain if necessary.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat ~/hatoken)"  \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"entity_id": "'"$1"'", "rgb_color": ['$2', '$3', '$4']}'  \

./lightrgb.sh light.mylightid 0 0 255
Sets the light to blue.

P.S. Smart Life is back on IFTTT but using it to set the color is very temperamental. Sometimes it works but other times it just goes on the set color for a split second then reverts back. A very annoying bug with IFTTT.