
WebOS TV documentation: Mention how to open input selector

dwillbarron opened this issue · 1 comments


Hi! I'm here to pitch in some obscure info that might save a few people some pain:


If you read the docs, you'll notice there's no equivalent of an input/source button listed for the webostv.button service. That's not a mistake--after a fair amount of digging, it looks like there's no "INPUT" button (I tried many variants of input, source, picker...).

For people that really want that button, it turns out there's an endpoint that directly opens the same menu. You can open the input sidebar menu with the following command:

# Tested on WebOS 05.50.15
service: webostv.command
    entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    command: com.webos.surfacemanager/showInputPicker

This info was really hard to find, which is why I figured I'd share it in the hope that someone can find a home for it within the docs here. I only found it after many failed searches because of a passing mention in a 2015 Github issue on a completely different project: ConnectSDK/Connect-SDK-iOS#131

I'm aware that it's possible to change inputs directly via home assistant, skipping the TV's menu entirely--but I'm far too stubborn to accept defeat when there's a button missing from a thing.





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