
User Documentation needs updating

ronjtaylor opened this issue · 5 comments


I had to tick the SSL box even though I don't use HTTPS





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Hey there @balloob, @bieniu, @thecode, @chemelli74, @bdraco, mind taking a look at this feedback as it has been labeled with an integration (shelly) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!

Code owner commands

Code owners of shelly can trigger bot actions by commenting:

  • @home-assistant close Closes the feedback.
  • @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the feedback.
  • @home-assistant reopen Reopen the feedback.
  • @home-assistant unassign shelly Removes the current integration label and assignees on the feedback, add the integration domain after the command.
  • @home-assistant add-label needs-more-information Add a label (needs-more-information) to the feedback.
  • @home-assistant remove-label needs-more-information Remove a label (needs-more-information) on the feedback.

Please describe the problem thoroughly. It's hard to understand the configuration of the Shelly device and the configuration of your HA server based on one screenshot. Thanks.

I am running

I followed this documentation

Generation 2 and 3 devices use the RPC protocol to communicate with the integration. Battery operated devices (even if USB connected) need manual outbound WebSocket configuration, Navigate to the local IP address of your Shelly device, Settings >> Connectivity >> Outbound WebSocket and check the box Enable Outbound WebSocket, under server enter the following address:

ws:// + Home_Assistant_local_ip_address:Port + /api/shelly/ws (for example: ws://, click Apply to save the settings. In case your installation is set up to use SSL encryption (HTTPS with certificate), an additional s needs to be added to the WebSocket protocol, too, so that it reads wss:// (for example: wss://

It did not work as I expected as I had no entities.

I viewed this YouTube and it gave me a few ideas so I did some googling and in one forum it suggested ticking the SSL box.
I had not ticked this because my HA installation is only HTTP (not HTTPS) and I use Nabu Casa.

Once I ticked the SSL Box as per screenshot, saved an rebooted I had Entities

I hope that describes the documentation issue problem

If your HA instance does not use SSL, you should use ws://. There is no SSL connectivity option in the Shelly device webpanel. Integration with Shelly is based on local communication, so what is important is what is available in the device's webpanel, not in the Shelly cloud application.


Well that is exactly what I tried first (as per the video) but still no entities?
I did not get any entities until I ticked the ssl box.
I don't get it. The device is now in my shed and because its asleep I can't get at it at the moment.