MQTT Fan "low" speed not usable via Homebridge
intractve opened this issue · 1 comments
intractve commented
Having a similar issue like #168. HomeKit, (via Homebridge) only shows 50% and 100% as possible speeds and both of those work as expected. It shows the fan as on but at 0% if it is "low" in HASS. Any ideas?
HASS MQTT Fan Config:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Fan 1"
command_topic: "room/TheFanController/fan1/cmd"
state_topic: "room/TheFanController/fan1/stat"
speed_command_topic: "room/TheFanController/fan1/cmd"
retain: true
optimistic: false
payload_on: "25"
payload_off: "0"
payload_low_speed: "25"
payload_medium_speed: "50"
payload_high_speed: "100"
- low
- medium
- high
intractve commented
Solved it.
The off speed has to be defined under speeds or leave the speed list in it's default state (which includes all 4 speeds: off, low, med, high)
This solves the issue. Not having the off speed, makes homebridge assume low == off