
Information regarding the purposes of this organization


The purpose of this organization is to host unmaintained plugins. We will act as an intermediary to finding a plugin a new mainainer. We will not be maintaining these plugins - this is a safe, temporary ownership assignment. We've noticed that plugins may result in having multiple interations, like when nest-cam became unmaintained, nest-cam2 came around. We are trying to prevent this situation from arising as it becomes confusing for users as to which is the most up to date version.

For Users

Any plugins hosted here are NOT affiliated to the Homebridge project. We are not the authors or maintainer of any plugin here. These plugins may still work but we are not responsible for supporting them nor maintaining them. We are simply holding ownership until someone offers to maintain these plugins. Any issues created on these repositories will most likely go unanswered. We may address matters regarding security advisories for dependencies.

For Developers

If for any reason you can no longer maintain your plugin, please reach out to the Homebridge collaborators on Discord or open an issue at:

Essentially you transfer ownership over to this organization, and we will give you admin access to your plugin's repo. You can still continue to maintain on an irregular basis if you so choice. However, the assumption will be made that you no longer have any commitment to the plugin. We will hold onto the plugin and if someone comes along and requests to become the new maintainer, we will transfer ownership over to that person but can request that you (the original plugin author) still be given admin access.