
Wemo BridgeWARNUNG unhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500

Schattenkaiser opened this issue · 19 comments

What issue do you have? Please be as thorough and explicit as possible.

Since latest update I'm receiving following Warning
16.8.2021, 07:16:56Wemo Bridge WARNUNG unhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500

Details of your setup.

  • Do you use (1) Homebridge UI-X (2) Homebridge CLI or (3) HOOBS?

  • Which version of Homebridge/HOOBS do you have?
    Hoobs 4.0.100

  • Which platform do you run Homebridge/HOOBS on (e.g. Raspberry Pi/Windows/HOOBS Box)? Please also mention your version of Node.js/NPM if known.
    Raspberry 4.8
    Node 14.17.5
    Homebridge Version 1.3.4

  • Which version of this plugin (homebridge-wemo) do you have? Has the issue started since upgrading from a previous version?


  • Which Wemo devices do you have that are causing issues? Please include product models if applicable.
    I can't tell which of my WEMOs causing this WARNING, as it don't say exactly what the issue is

Please paste any relevant logs below.

16.8.2021, 19:18:47wemobridge stopping
16.8.2021, 19:18:52Wemo Bridge starting
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-wemo'
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeLoading 1 platforms...
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemoInitialising plugin v4.1.1 | Node v14.17.5 | HB v1.3.4 | HOOBS v4...
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemoPlugin initialised. Setting up accessories....
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeBridge is running on port 51836.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] initialising with options {"logging":"standard","showAs":"outlet"}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] initialised with s/n 221403K1101830 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] initialising with options {"logging":"standard","showAs":"outlet"}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] initialised with s/n 221304K11000AD and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF427018 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42D754 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42E807 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B2789161 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B278BF75 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] initialised with s/n 231448B01004D8 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF427018 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42D754 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42E807 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B2789161 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"standard","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B278BF75 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] initialised with s/n 231448B01004D8 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:55Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current brightness [15%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current brightness [11%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:56Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current brightness [15%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo✓ Setup complete. Thanks for using this plugin, I hope you find it helpful!
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current brightness [11%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:57Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:58Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:58Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:18:58Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 19:18:58Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 19:19:00Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500
16.8.2021, 19:19:01Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500
bwp91 commented

Hi @Schattenkaiser
Thanks for this.
Are you able to put the plugin into debug mode via the plugin settings, then restart the bridge?
Hopefully this error will then happen again, with a little bit more info in the logs showing what is happening just before the error occurs.

to me that looks quite similar?!?

16.8.2021, 20:09:30wemobridge stopping
16.8.2021, 20:09:35Wemo Bridge starting
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-wemo'
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeLoading 1 platforms...
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemoInitialising plugin v4.1.1 | Node v14.17.5 | HB v1.3.4 | HOOBS v4...
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemoPlugin initialised. Setting up accessories....
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemoListener server port [37119].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeBridge is running on port 51836.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] initialising with options {"logging":"debug","showAs":"outlet"}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] initialised with s/n 221403K1101830 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] [urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] initialising with options {"logging":"debug","showAs":"outlet"}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] initialised with s/n 221304K11000AD and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] [urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] receiving update [BinaryState: 0].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] receiving update [BinaryState: 0].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF427018 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42D754 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42E807 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B2789161 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B278BF75 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] initialised with s/n 231448B01004D8 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] [urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] [urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF427018 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42D754 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] initialised with s/n 94103EF6BF42E807 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B2789161 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialising with options {"adaptiveLightingShift":0,"brightnessStep":1,"logging":"debug","transitionTime":0}.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] initialised with s/n 94103EA2B278BF75 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] initialised with s/n 231448B01004D8 and ip/port
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] http has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] [urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] [urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1] initial subscription for service.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[WeMo Link] upnp has been established.
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] receiving update [BinaryState: 0].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] receiving update [BinaryState: 0].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] receiving update [undefined: 0].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] incoming notification:
<e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:38Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current brightness [15%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current brightness [11%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:39Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo✓ Setup complete. Have time to give this plugin a review? http://bit.ly/hbwemo-review
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] current brightness [15%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[Terrasse] current brightness [11%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[UG Katzentreppe] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:40Wemo BridgeWemo[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:41Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current state [off].
16.8.2021, 20:09:41Wemo BridgeWemo[EG Bistro] current brightness [100%].
16.8.2021, 20:09:43Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500
16.8.2021, 20:09:43Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: Request failed with status code 500
bwp91 commented

@Schattenkaiser are you on the homebridge discord? Could we message on there?

I have also got issues with it crashing in 4.1.1 so have reverted to an older version (v4.0.0) so my home bridge is usable again.

bwp91 commented

@jacklawry which device models do you have?

bwp91 commented

Or if you’re on the homebridge discord i’d be happy to work to resolve this on there

@bwp91 I have 1 Wemo Link (3 bulbs), 1 Wemo Insight & 1 Wemo switch

bwp91 commented

I think I have narrowed down the issue to the wemo link.

Can you try 4.1.2-beta.0 beta version to see if this has stopped the crashing (the unhandled rejection)?

@bwp91 Ok so thats now installed and 4.1.2-beta.0 seems to be working fine for me.

I wonder if the issue is related to having a bulb that broke that I cannot remove from the link but keeps showing up?

bwp91 commented

@bwp91 Ok so thats now installed and 4.1.2-beta.0 seems to be working fine for me.

Thanks for trying the beta. I have released 4.1.2 assuming that the issue has been fixed. If you continue to get errors let me know.

I wonder if the issue is related to having a bulb that broke that I cannot remove from the link but keeps showing up?

Nope, in this case it was a plugin issue that I accidentally introduced in v4.1. I would assume that the bulb is still linked to the wemo link? can you delete it via the wemo app?

Otherwise you can use the plugin config to hide/remove this accessory with the bulb serial number.

@Schattenkaiser when you get the chance can you update to v4.1.2 to check if the issue is resolved for you?

Thanks for the quick fix. I have now upgraded to v4.1.2.

@Schattenkaiser are you on the homebridge discord? Could we message on there?

Sorry, was afk the whole day.
Upgraded to 4.1.2 now, and Plugin is running without issues and warnings. Thanks for the quick fix.

after rebooting my hoobs the issue came back ?!?

18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-wemo'
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeLoading 1 platforms...
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeWemoInitialising plugin v4.1.2 | Node v14.17.5 | HB v1.3.4 | HOOBS v4...
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeWemoPlugin initialised. Setting up accessories....
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Magichome Dynamic Platform BridgeBridge is running on port 51826.
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeBridge is running on port 51836.
18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: No sockets available, cannot start.
18.8.2021, 07:57:47Wemo BridgeWemo✓ Setup complete. Join the plugin's Discord community! https://discord.gg/cMGhNtZ3tW
18.8.2021, 07:57:57Magichome Dynamic Platform Bridgehomebridge-magichome-dynamic-platform
    1 - Registering existing accessory...
    Display Name: WZ TV Backlight
    Controller Logic Type: RGBWStrip
    Model: HF-LPB100-ZJ200
    Unique ID: ACCF2384DF2E 
    Hardware Version: 4
    Firmware Version: 4
18.8.2021, 08:07:15Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[Gartenlicht Garage Wemo] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.
18.8.2021, 08:07:28Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[EG Bistro] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.
18.8.2021, 08:07:34Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[OG Yoga Zimmer Ambiente] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.
18.8.2021, 08:07:38Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[UG Katzentreppe] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.
18.8.2021, 08:07:46Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[WZ Stehlampe Leselicht] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.
18.8.2021, 08:07:47Wemo BridgeWemoWARNUNG[Blumensäule WZ Wemo] has not been discovered yet so commands will fail.

after setting the bridge to DEBUG-Modus the error disapeared again. I turned the DEBUG-Mode off again, and now everything on the hoobs is working as expected, but there is no answer on iPhone Homekit
That's weird

The Apple-HomeKit fix is simple - just remove the exisitng Bridge from HomeKit and add the most recent version (using the hoobs QR-Code) again

bwp91 commented

Hi @Schattenkaiser

The error you received this time

18.8.2021, 07:57:45Wemo BridgeWARNUNGunhandled rejection: Error: No sockets available, cannot start.

actually has nothing to do with the original issue on here, and also has nothing to do with debug being on/off. It was a pure coincidence that it happened the time you had debug on, and didn't error when you turned back off.

This error is originating from one of the dependencies that the plugin uses to scan the network for devices. It throws this error when it can't find a socket on your system to use. So it's not something I can fix per se, but I can definitely stop it from crashing and restarting the bridge.

I am just about to release v4.1.3 of the plugin which includes this workaround!

bwp91 commented

but there is no answer on iPhone Homekit

Until devices are discovered on the network, the home app will show 'No Response' for accessories.

If the network scanner fails with the No sockets available, cannot start error, then devices will not be discovered and so the 'No Response' will remain indefinitely.

In v4.1.3, I have included a message in the logs saying to restart Homebridge if this particular error is received. It should no longer crash the bridge.

This issue has been marked as complete as I believe the original query has been fixed/answered or will not be actioned. The issue will be closed in three days. If you feel the issue requires further attention then please let me know. Thanks!

This issue has been automatically closed as it was marked as complete and has had no further responses within three days. If you are still experiencing problems related to the original issue then please reply to this message and the issue will be reopened if necessary. Thank you.