
h264_omx has been removed from latest Rasbian releases

themackworth opened this issue · 5 comments

h264_omx has been removed in favor of h264_v4l2m2m but I think supporting that will require a rebuild of ffmpeg with a newer release and different flags.

Sunoo commented

h264_v4l2m2m should be available in recent builds.

Yeah, its not actually working though. I figured that might be some more recent patches in ffmpeg but here is the output from homerbridge-nest-cam:

[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO command: ffmpeg -c:a,libfdk_aac,-i,pipe:,-c:a,libfdk_aac,-profile:a,aac_eld,-ac,1,-vn,-ar,16k,-b:a,24k,-flags,+global_header,-payload_type,110,-ssrc,5905687,-f,rtp,-srtp_out_suite,AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80,-srtp_out_params,LGMEFoKZFOuYCnbDomqcPZBSK62fyqpo2u0X0rgs,srtp://
[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO command: ffmpeg -hide_banner,-protocol_whitelist,pipe,udp,rtp,file,crypto,-f,sdp,-c:a,libfdk_aac,-i,pipe:0,-map,0:0,-c:a,libspeex,-frames_per_packet,4,-ac,1,-vn,-ar,16k,-f,data,pipe:1
[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] Using HIGH quality stream.
[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] waiting for socket to connect
[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: ffmpeg version 5.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 6.3.0 (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 20170516
  configuration: --pkgconfigdir=/build/workspace/lib/pkgconfig --prefix=/build/workspace --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-cflags=-I/build/workspace/include --extra-ldflags=-L/build/workspace/lib --extra-libs='-lpthread -lm' --enable-static --disable-debug --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-doc --enable-openssl --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --enable-libvpx --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-avfilter --enable-libopencore_amrwb --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-filters --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-network --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-libspeex --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-omx-rpi --enable-mmal --enable-indev=alsa --enable-outdev=alsa
  libavutil      57. 17.100 / 57. 17.100
  libavcodec     59. 18.100 / 59. 18.100
  libavformat    59. 16.100 / 59. 16.100
  libavdevice    59.  4.100 / 59.  4.100
  libavfilter     8. 24.100 /  8. 24.100
  libswscale      6.  4.100 /  6.  4.100
  libswresample   4.  3.100 /  4.  3.100
  libpostproc    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100

[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: ffmpeg version 5.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 6.3.0 (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 20170516
  configuration: --pkgconfigdir=/build/workspace/lib/pkgconfig --prefix=/build/workspace --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-cflags=-I/build/workspace/include --extra-ldflags=-L/build/workspace/lib --extra-libs='-lpthread -lm' --enable-static --disable-debug --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-doc --enable-openssl --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --enable-libvpx --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-avfilter --enable-libopencore_amrwb --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-filters --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-network --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-libspeex --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-omx-rpi --enable-mmal --enable-indev=alsa --enable-outdev=alsa
  libavutil      57. 17.100 / 57. 17.100
  libavcodec     59. 18.100 / 59. 18.100
  libavformat    59. 16.100 / 59. 16.100
  libavdevice    59.  4.100 / 59.  4.100
  libavfilter     8. 24.100 /  8. 24.100
  libswscale      6.  4.100 /  6.  4.100
  libswresample   4.  3.100 /  4.  3.100
  libpostproc    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100

[08/07/2022, 09:33:45] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: [udp @ 0x4129170] attempted to set receive buffer to size 393216 but it only ended up set as 360448
[udp @ 0x41394e0] attempted to set receive buffer to size 393216 but it only ended up set as 360448

[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Connected
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] OK
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Redirect
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Redirecting...
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Disconnected
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] Using HIGH quality stream.
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] waiting for socket to connect
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Connected
[08/07/2022, 09:33:46] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] OK
[08/07/2022, 09:33:49] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Playback Begin
[08/07/2022, 09:33:50] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: Input #0, aac, from 'pipe:':
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: 65 kb/s
  Stream #0:0: Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, mono, s16, 65 kb/s
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (libfdk_aac) -> aac (libfdk_aac))

[08/07/2022, 09:33:50] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: Output #0, rtp, to 'srtp://':
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100
  Stream #0:0: Audio: aac (ELD), 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 24 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 libfdk_aac
size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
[08/07/2022, 09:33:51] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: size=       4kB time=00:00:01.19 bitrate=  29.7kbits/s speed=0.863x    
[08/07/2022, 09:33:51] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Input #0, h264, from 'pipe:':
  Duration: N/A, start: 1657287229.609557, bitrate: N/A

[08/07/2022, 09:33:51] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO:   Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Main), yuvj420p(pc, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 30 fps, 18.08 tbr, 1200k tbn

[08/07/2022, 09:33:51] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (h264_v4l2m2m))

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x38b8d00] [swscaler @ 0x38c2180] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x38b8d00] [swscaler @ 0x3f5f8d0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x38b8d00] [swscaler @ 0x3fa1860] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x38b8d00] [swscaler @ 0x3fe37f0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x38b8d00] [swscaler @ 0x4025780] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x388e6e0] Using device /dev/video11
[h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x388e6e0] driver 'bcm2835-codec' on card 'bcm2835-codec-encode' in mplane mode
[h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x388e6e0] requesting formats: output=YU12 capture=H264

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x388e6e0] Failed to set gop size: Invalid argument

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Output #0, rtp, to 'srtp://':
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100
  Stream #0:0: Video: h264, yuv420p(tv, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 1196 kb/s, 15 fps, 
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: 90k tbn
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 h264_v4l2m2m
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: 

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: frame=    1 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] Stopped streaming session!
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.0 : mono
Input #0, sdp, from 'pipe:0':
    title           : Talk
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
  Stream #0:0: Audio: aac, 16000 Hz, mono, s16

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: size=       9kB time=00:00:02.51 bitrate=  28.8kbits/s speed=1.48x    
video:0kB audio:8kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 16.918898%
Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (libfdk_aac) -> speex (libspeex))

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Finishing stream 0:0 without any data written to it.

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Output #0, data, to 'pipe:1':
    title           : Talk
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO:   Stream #0:0: Audio: speex, 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 27 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 libspeex
size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
video:0kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Playback End
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: frame=    2 fps=0.0 q=-0.0 Lsize=      27kB time=00:00:00.06 bitrate=3308.7kbits/s speed=0.234x    
video:27kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 1.229719%

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Disconnected
[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:33:52] [homebridge-nest-cam] Stopped streaming session!
[08/07/2022, 09:33:54] [BraviaTVOS] [DEBUG] Living Room: Polling API...
[08/07/2022, 09:33:55] [BraviaTVOS] [DEBUG] Living Room: {"id":1,"turnedOff":true,"result":[40005,"Display Is Turned off"]}
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO command: ffmpeg -f,h264,-use_wallclock_as_timestamps,1,-r,15,-i,pipe:,-c:v,h264_v4l2m2m,-bf,0,-b:v,1196k,-bufsize,1196k,-maxrate,2392k,-pix_fmt,yuv420p,-an,-payload_type,99,-ssrc,3904946,-f,rtp,-srtp_out_suite,AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80,-srtp_out_params,1ENpFO5FtpMtLzF/QhytJTqFu4nIzrHK5dg1zhl3,srtp://
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO command: ffmpeg -c:a,libfdk_aac,-i,pipe:,-c:a,libfdk_aac,-profile:a,aac_eld,-ac,1,-vn,-ar,16k,-b:a,24k,-flags,+global_header,-payload_type,110,-ssrc,4691020,-f,rtp,-srtp_out_suite,AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80,-srtp_out_params,RVAp7TtJj28PPAmyHA+X/HHHBpaqxgVDaXfFUjIO,srtp://
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO command: ffmpeg -hide_banner,-protocol_whitelist,pipe,udp,rtp,file,crypto,-f,sdp,-c:a,libfdk_aac,-i,pipe:0,-map,0:0,-c:a,libspeex,-frames_per_packet,4,-ac,1,-vn,-ar,16k,-f,data,pipe:1
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] Using HIGH quality stream.
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] waiting for socket to connect
[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: ffmpeg version 5.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 6.3.0 (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 20170516
  configuration: --pkgconfigdir=/build/workspace/lib/pkgconfig --prefix=/build/workspace --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-cflags=-I/build/workspace/include --extra-ldflags=-L/build/workspace/lib --extra-libs='-lpthread -lm' --enable-static --disable-debug --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-doc --enable-openssl --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --enable-libvpx --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-avfilter --enable-libopencore_amrwb --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-filters --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-network --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-libspeex --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-omx-rpi --enable-mmal --enable-indev=alsa --enable-outdev=alsa
  libavutil      57. 17.100 / 57. 17.100
  libavcodec     59. 18.100 / 59. 18.100
  libavformat    59. 16.100 / 59. 16.100
  libavdevice    59.  4.100 / 59.  4.100
  libavfilter     8. 24.100 /  8. 24.100
  libswscale      6.  4.100 /  6.  4.100
  libswresample   4.  3.100 /  4.  3.100
  libpostproc    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100

[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: ffmpeg version 5.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 6.3.0 (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 20170516
  configuration: --pkgconfigdir=/build/workspace/lib/pkgconfig --prefix=/build/workspace --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-cflags=-I/build/workspace/include --extra-ldflags=-L/build/workspace/lib --extra-libs='-lpthread -lm' --enable-static --disable-debug --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-doc --enable-openssl --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --enable-libvpx --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-avfilter --enable-libopencore_amrwb --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-filters --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-network --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-libspeex --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-omx-rpi --enable-mmal --enable-indev=alsa --enable-outdev=alsa
  libavutil      57. 17.100 / 57. 17.100
  libavcodec     59. 18.100 / 59. 18.100
  libavformat    59. 16.100 / 59. 16.100
  libavdevice    59.  4.100 / 59.  4.100
  libavfilter     8. 24.100 /  8. 24.100
  libswscale      6.  4.100 /  6.  4.100
  libswresample   4.  3.100 /  4.  3.100
  libpostproc    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100

[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: [udp @ 0x2e01170] attempted to set receive buffer to size 393216 but it only ended up set as 360448

[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: [udp @ 0x2e114e0] attempted to set receive buffer to size 393216 but it only ended up set as 360448

[08/07/2022, 09:34:00] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Connected
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] OK
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Redirect
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Redirecting...
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Disconnected
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] Using HIGH quality stream.
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] waiting for socket to connect
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Connected
[08/07/2022, 09:34:01] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] OK
[08/07/2022, 09:34:03] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Playback Begin
[08/07/2022, 09:34:03] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: Input #0, aac, from 'pipe:':
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: 65 kb/s
  Stream #0:0: Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, mono, s16, 65 kb/s

[08/07/2022, 09:34:03] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (libfdk_aac) -> aac (libfdk_aac))

[08/07/2022, 09:34:03] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: Output #0, rtp, to 'srtp://':
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100

[08/07/2022, 09:34:03] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO:   Stream #0:0: Audio: aac (ELD), 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 24 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 libfdk_aac
size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: size=       4kB time=00:00:01.07 bitrate=  29.9kbits/s speed=0.861x    
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [h264 @ 0x3bcb550] DTS discontinuity in stream 0: packet 35 with DTS 1988744692165375, packet 37 with DTS 1988744693550782

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Input #0, h264, from 'pipe:':
  Duration: N/A, start: 1657287243.094505, bitrate: N/A

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO:   Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Main), yuvj420p(pc, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 30 fps, 11.25 tbr, 1200k tbn

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (h264_v4l2m2m))

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x3c16380] [swscaler @ 0x3c1f800] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x3c16380] [swscaler @ 0x42ba830] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x3c16380] [swscaler @ 0x42fc7c0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x3c16380] [swscaler @ 0x433e750] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [swscaler @ 0x3c16380] [swscaler @ 0x43806e0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x3beadc0] Using device /dev/video11
[h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x3beadc0] driver 'bcm2835-codec' on card 'bcm2835-codec-encode' in mplane mode
[h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x3beadc0] requesting formats: output=YU12 capture=H264

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0x3beadc0] Failed to set gop size: Invalid argument

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Output #0, rtp, to 'srtp://':
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100
  Stream #0:0: Video: h264, yuv420p(tv, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 1196 kb/s, 15 fps, 90k tbn
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 h264_v4l2m2m

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: frame=    1 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] Stopped streaming session!
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.0 : mono
Input #0, sdp, from 'pipe:0':
    title           : Talk
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
  Stream #0:0: Audio: aac, 16000 Hz, mono, s16
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (libfdk_aac) -> speex (libspeex))
Finishing stream 0:0 without any data written to it.

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] AUDIO: size=       9kB time=00:00:02.51 bitrate=  28.8kbits/s speed=1.64x    
video:0kB audio:8kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 16.916710%
Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] RETURN AUDIO: Output #0, data, to 'pipe:1':
    title           : Talk
    encoder         : Lavf59.16.100
  Stream #0:0: Audio: speex, 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 27 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc59.18.100 libspeex
size=       0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=   0x    
video:0kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Playback End
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] [NexusStreamer] Disconnected
[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: frame=    2 fps=0.0 q=-0.0 Lsize=      26kB time=00:00:00.06 bitrate=3241.2kbits/s speed=0.225x    
video:26kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 1.202517%

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] VIDEO: Exiting normally, received signal 15.

[08/07/2022, 09:34:04] [homebridge-nest-cam] Stopped streaming session!```

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I'm seeing this too, can't use h264_omx or h264_v4l2m2m with HomeBridge Protect plugin.

hjdhjd commented

Unsupported any longer. v4l2m2m is the only supported mechanism in FF4H now on RPi...available in both 32-bit and 64-bit builds.