
FFmpeg process creation failed: spawn /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg ENOENT

sommo opened this issue · 3 comments

sommo commented

Hi all,
once updated the docker image, all works except tte ffmpeg, i get this for all the cameras:

FFmpeg process creation failed: spawn /homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg ENOENT

any ideas?
Thank you

oznu commented

Uninstall / reinstall the plugin

sommo commented

Uninstall / reinstall the plugin

Thank you was that!

Hi there!

As I had the exact same issue, I uninstalled / Reinstalled the plug-in, reconfigured and now my Home App won't find the cameras when trying to add new devices.

Any thoughts on this?