
v4.52.0-beta.49 Prebuild binary missing for platform. System Windows_NT 10.0.19045

jsiegenthaler opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe The Bug

v4.52.0-beta.49 fails to install over homebridge-config-ui-x v4.51.2, on Win10, throwing error Prebuild binary missing for platform. System Windows_NT 10.0.19045


npm ERR! Prebuild binary missing for platform.
npm ERR! prebuild-install info begin Prebuild-install version 7.1.1
npm ERR! prebuild-install info looking for local prebuild @ prebuilds\node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch-v0.11.8-beta.2-node-v115-win32-x64.tar.gz
npm ERR! prebuild-install info looking for cached prebuild @ C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_prebuilds\f625a1-node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch-v0.11.8-beta.2-node-v115-win32-x64.tar.gz
npm ERR! prebuild-install http request GET https://github.com/homebridge/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch/releases/download/v0.11.8-beta.2/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch-v0.11.8-beta.2-node-v115-win32-x64.tar.gz
npm ERR! prebuild-install http 404 https://github.com/homebridge/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch/releases/download/v0.11.8-beta.2/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch-v0.11.8-beta.2-node-v115-win32-x64.tar.gz
npm ERR! prebuild-install warn install No prebuilt binaries found (target=20.9.0 runtime=node arch=x64 libc= platform=win32)



Homebridge UI Version

homebridge-config-ui-x v4.51.2

Homebridge Version


Node.js Version


Operating System

Windows 10

Environment Info

  • Using Docker?
  • Using Hyper-V?
  • Using hb-service?

Raspberry Pi Model


@jsiegenthaler Spent a bit of time this AM looking into this, and can not recreate the issue.

The first message Prebuild binary missing for platform. is expected as the NPM package only bundles prebuilds for linux based environments. But the error 404 at the next step is not expected.

I tried the download URL https://github.com/homebridge/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch/releases/download/v0.11.8-beta.2/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch-v0.11.8-beta.2-node-v115-win32-x64.tar.gz and for me it works

Can you try the url from your browser ? I'm wondering if something in your local environment is blocking the download.

And you can see the downloads on the server - https://github.com/homebridge/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch/releases/v0.11.8-beta.2/

FYI - Contents of the download should be this


This afternoon it installed without error. You can close the issue.

Tks for testing the beta for us