
Config.json not saved changes if use very big oneOf function.

grzegorz914 opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe The Bug

The config not save its changes if use very big oneOf functions. In my case is 600 objects.
The plugin to test:

If reduce objects then saved correctly.



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Environment Info

{"label"=>"Using hb-service?"}

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I fixed this in my plugin config.schema by reduce objects count in oneOf but the problem still exist in ConfigUi X.

Hi @grzegorz914 is this something that I could reproduce myself, if I could install your plugin could you attach to this ticket an example config that I could use?

Please instal version 4.7.0 because 4.8.0 contain temporary workaround for this issue. After install it try to create / change some buttons using UI. The UI will not save the changes.

Is this related to the "Accessories" tab and not saving the layout of rooms and accessories?

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