
Weather config widget does not show city state

dcompane opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe The Bug

when selecting the city for the weather widget, multiple cities with the same name appear. in my case, Oakland renders multiple Oakland, US choices



This cannot be seen in the logs. adding for completeness



This is the part of the .uix-dashboard.json with a city without state

The complete ui configuration


A weather plugin (not the UI widget) reports this Weather] Oakland, CA, United States [5378538]: 37.8045°N, 122.2714°W

The config.json shows

        "name": "Weather",
        "apikey": "fca24bInv4li6T0k3Nc1bcb0c66c1b1f",
        "dailyForecasts": 0,
        "hourlyForecasts": 0,
        "leakSensor": false,
        "locations": [
            "Oakland, CA, United States"
        "_bridge": {
            "username": "0E:E5:25:76:8D:F6",
            "port": 36346
        "platform": "WS"

Homebridge UI Version


Homebridge Version


Node.js Version


Operating System

Ubuntu / Debian (or a variant)

Environment Info

{"label"=>"Using hb-service?"}

Raspberry Pi Model

Raspberry Pi 4 B

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