
Homebridge Wifi Setup does not work

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Raspberry Pi Model

Raspberry Pi 4 B

Describe The Bug

I used the "Raspberry Pi Imager" to flash an SD Card with the "Homebridge Raspberry Pi Image".

I'm following the Wifi directions to get it to connect to the network. This involves me going into my iPhone, and choosing the "Homebridge Wifi Setup" network... in the hopes that it will copy of my network settings. In it, I choose my actual Wifi network, and type in the password, and it fails. Every time.

I don't know what to do here.

My setup:
iPhone 15 Pro / iOS 17
Eero network, using version 7.0.0

Yes, I did see a note about Eero, but I don't have any special settings on there. IPv4 & IPV6 are both turned on, if that matters.

Thanks for any help in sorting this out.


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I would recommend disabling 5ghz band on your Eero.

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I had the same issue with my wifi and was able to find two issues where wifi setup will not work if

  • the SSID contains umlauts (or may any special character that's not ISO? those characters will be displayed as ? in the web interface)
  • the SSID contains spaces

For now I worked around the issue by renaming my wifi but that's not a real solution because WIFI technically should support UTF-8 SSID names.
To be clear - all my other devices connect without problems to the tested SSIDs, so it seems this is either a serialization/deserialization or locale issue, but not for my system as it is configured asen_GB.UTF-8.

@peanutbother For the umlauts, can you share your ssid with the special character so we can try recreating ?

In my case I tried "Verstärker 1"
(So both Umlauts and spaces) and later without spaces but both did not work.

Tks for this example, will include this in the update in the spring.

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