
Homebridge image missing on imager v1.8.5

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Raspberry Pi Model

Raspberry Pi 4 B

Describe The Bug

Homebridge image is missing from imager v1.8.5
All images selected see attached picture.

Image 23-2-2024 at 1 19 pm
Homebridge image is missing from imager v1.8.5
All images selected see attached picture.


No response

Same here

same for v1.8.4, v1.7

Same issue on MacOS

same here, any workaround?

Not sure how old is that GIF, but Homebridge is missing from at least v1.8.1 to v1.8.5 (latest)

My last update of the image was back in January, so nothing has changed on our side recently. Any chance that tweaking the OS options in the imager tool resolves the issue?

as a workaround, the most recent image is here - https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge-raspbian-image/releases/tag/v1.1.6

My last update of the image was back in January, so nothing has changed on our side recently. Any chance that tweaking the OS options in the imager tool resolves the issue?

as a workaround, the most recent image is here - https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge-raspbian-image/releases/tag/v1.1.6

Thanks for the reply.
I tried all images but no go.
It was handy to have Homebridge in imager.
Certainly can download the image and select custom.

Image 25-2-2024 at 11 55 am
Homebridge previously was in the list of Home Assistants and Home Automation but it is not anymore.
"no filtering" does not help
Downloading and selecting custom image works so I will leave it at that.