
How to generate an SSL certificate to access homebridge.local with https?

jahirfiquitiva opened this issue · 3 comments

Raspberry Pi Model

Raspberry Pi 4 B

Current Situation

No SSL certificate available for homebridge.local


No response

oznu commented

On first boot a self signed ssl certificate is generated for https://homebridge.local:443

If you want to use your own cert, or redirect from 80 to 443, see https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge-raspbian-image/wiki/SSL-HTTPS-Access

On first boot a self signed ssl certificate is generated

I might have missed that: didn't see it, or didn't realise it concerned the ssl certificate. Can I recreated this slef sigend certifcate afterwards?

On first boot a self signed ssl certificate is generated

I might have missed that: didn't see it, or didn't realise it concerned the ssl certificate. Can I recreated this slef sigend certifcate afterwards? I can only use http:// :-(