
Homebridge devices lose connection in Home app after reboot (since iOS 16)

cl4udiu5 opened this issue · 5 comments

Raspberry Pi Model

Raspberry Pi 1 B

Describe The Bug

Since updating to iOS 16 I have a problem with my homebridge.
It's working correct, everything is fine.
But, when restarting homebridge for any reason (for example node.js update, plugin update), all homebridge devices don't respond in iOS Home app.
All I can do now is to delete homebridge from Home app and reconnect it completely.
I have many devices in homebridge, so this is hard work every time.

In Homebridge UI (4.50.1) I can always see my devices. Connection is only lost in Home app.
iPhone restart or something else doesn't help.


No response

I have the same Issue. HomeKit say all Devices are offline, but i can controll it over Homebridge

Raspberry Pi 4

Maybe this is an iOS 16 „feature“ :-)
About half an hour / one hour later, all homebridge devices are online again.
Didn‘t have that problem before with iOS 15.

@Jan-T-Berg: Are you on iOS 16 or iOS 15?

iOS16 , but even after 10 hours it is not back. Funny thing is that all tuya devices are gone and only my vacuum cleaner is displayed.

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